Love or Loathe: Contouring Makeup

Pinterest is exploding with tutorials explaining how to contour makeup. The picture on the right is a mild example, and just look at all of that! This makes perfect sense for a photo shoot or a professionally pretty celebrity, but it seems like a lot of work for an everyday look. (And before you start telling me it's an evening look, I've seen plenty of girls sporting it in the day.) Or maybe I don't like it because most of the pins feature Kim Kardashian. I don't especially care for the end result either as the stationary highlights and shadows are very "I'm wearing a mask!", especially when the wearer isn't looking directly at you.  I've never been a huge fan of makeup that's supposed to look like it's not there, and as previously stated, I don't feel this look even pulls that off.

Do you use makeup to thin your nose, diminish your chin, and highlight your cheekbones? Do you think this is a bit much for everyday, or am I just not in touch with what people consider necessary?

Image from Kevyn Aucoin's classic book Making Faces, which any makeup lover should own


Nora Bradshaw said…
I wear makeup to give my cheeks a little color, and to make my eyes stand out. Oh, and to even out my skin tone. So I kind of do go for "looking like it's not there." But I do not contour. I remember attempting it once in high school by putting darker colors under my cheekbones. My mom told me it looked weird.

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