Project Runway Season 12: The Final(e) 12 Thoughts

1. This season had some of the best challenges in recent Runway history.

2. I love the addition of the Tim Gunn save and allowing Tim to sit alongside the judges offering perspective. The show has needed this for a while.

3. Zac Posen is kind of growing on me, but I still miss Michael. Heidi, however, has become a much stronger and more assertive.

4. Bradon was a favorite of mine all season, but I wasn't impressed by his collection or any pieces in it. I'm not sure what went wrong. In fact, I couldn't remember anything from his collection after the show ended. (Click through his collection below).

5. My least favorite moments from season 12 were Sandro and Ken.

6. Alexandria surprised me. I didn't care for her designs or personality all season. At the end, I came to like both. Her collection had the most pieces I would probably wear everyday. I liked the glove/pockets and the cool/easy vibe. As for her personality, I think she just isn't terribly aware of how she comes across. She doesn't seem like she intends to be so severe and off-putting. (Click through her collection below).

7. Another personality surprise this year was Kate. She came back and was super pleasant and fun. I think this is why I enjoy All Stars so much because designers who didn't come across well, get a chance to re-do the reality TV thing. I doubt I would come across wonderful with little sleep, little food and the magic of video editing.

8. Justin didn't seem like a strong designer at first. Then, he started to show potential right before he got eliminated. I'm glad Tim saved him. His collection wasn't my choice for the win, but it was probably my personal favorite. Not only was his story strong and personal, but he also used technology in a new way with the 3D printer. (Click through his collection below).
9. I watched the reunion episode, and I was thrilled to see Tim Gunn hosting it. He was here for everything so he was also able to call people out when things got emotional.

10. Dom managed to emerge the least emotional and the winner of the season. I loved her collection. She used prints well and experimented this new shapes. I was happy to see that she won. I like it when my favorites win. (Click through her collection below).

11. During the reunion episode the designers accused the show of being rigged. I do think there is some careful planning when it comes to casting the show. I also think the judges have clear favorites (Wretched Gretchen anyone?). But I don't think it's really rigged at it's core. If it were rigged we wouldn't have such variety among seasons and good designers wouldn't get eliminated on stupid mistakes.

12. What were your thoughts on the winner, the final collections and the season?


Cait Throop said…
I was so happy Dom won!!! Loved her work! And I think it was so odd that wretched Gretchen was such a favorite. This was my favorite season by far!!
Rachel said…
I'm happy Dom won! Overall it was a tight competition and a good runway show. I was also disappointed in Braden and surprised at his collection... some of it was ok, but he made some odd choices and it just wasn't as outstanding as I expected from him. I was impressed by how the other designers really stepped it up and grew throughout the season. I enjoyed this season a lot! :)

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