
- A creative design student made "sketches" of dresses using flower petals. (Dose) 

- Is 3D printing the answer for women who can't find makeup for their skin tone? (The Cut)

- The Hairpin looks at how successful You Tube beauty channels work.

- Love the menswear look? You can turn silk ties into cute headbands. (A Red Ribbon)

- I love Erte's illustrations and had no idea he designed theater costumes. (Retronaut)

- Could you pare your closet down to only 40 hangable items? (Living Well, Spending Less)

- Esther Honing asked people around the world to photoshop her into a "beautiful" woman. The United States one is kinda freaky.

 - Makeup artist Nick Barose speaks my mind about contouring and other celebrity makeup tricks. (The Cut)


Anonymous said…
Like many people in our area, our power was out for a couple of days. It really made me think about how spoiled I am. By American standards, our family isn't especially rich, but still, the things we had to do without are things that lots of people never have. That being said, paring your wardrobe down to 40 items may seem like minimizing, but wow. So many people in the world don't even have ten articles of clothing, let alone 40.

Not moralizing or ranting, it's just that this experience really gave me some food for thought.

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