Review: Stila Stay All Day Liquid Eye Liner

I have a confession. I'm lazy when it comes to makeup. Actually, that's not true. I'm lazy when it comes to mornings. I don't like them. I do everything I can to trim tasks from my mornings so I can swipe my phone alarm to snooze a few more times. Because of this, I'm not one to wear eye makeup (or even makeup) every single day. And I'm always on the lookout for a simple beauty products I can apply while running out the door. I have a second confession. I'm not good at liquid eyeliner. On top of being lazy in the morning, I lack the patience to properly practice. When I first saw liquid liner in a marker format, I got really excited, but the first few drugstore brands I tried let me down. I was reluctant to try a pricier brand lest that disappoint me too. Then, I spotted this periwinkle blue Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner from Stila at Sephora. I tried it on my hand and found that it actually goes on that color! I let impulse take over and sp...